chris anderson

Small and Big Screens…

I had the good fortune to attend the thought-provoking “Future of Media” panel, hosted by MediaPost and sponsored by AOL and others, in New York City last week as part of Advertising Week. Featured (from left to right) were: Mark Cuban (HD Net, Dallas Mavs), Vivien Schiller (NPR), Bob Garfield (Ad Age, NPR), Martha Stewart, […]

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The End of PR Spam?

I’ve been in the PR game for a while, and as long as I can remember, clients have judged and compensated PR pros based on their ability to build a positive presence in the media. This client-agency paradigm hasn’t changed much over the years, though the means for building that presence, and the nature of

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Embargo This

Nowhere is the demand for exclusives stronger than among the handful of media that control the fates of the latest and greatest personal tech products. From Pogue and Mossberg to Gizmodo, CrunchGear, Engadget, Mashable, and of course, the elephant in the early adopter room, TechCrunch. All invariably ask to be the first to break the

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Worst Social Nets of the Week

OK I finally relented and activated my FaceBook account. I’ve resisted for too long, mostly because my three boys think it’s creepy for their Dad to be tooling around on what heretofore has been their dominant online lair. After hearing this news, my #3 son informed me that he programmed my settings so that I

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Gawker Reporter-in-Training

In his post today, PR Newser’s Joe Ciarallo called out the PR blogosphere in an attempt to draw it into the imbroglio between Gawker and Edelman over something the snark blog’s newest reporter (direct from PR Week) Hamilton Nolan (pictured), posted this week. The offending post was precipitated by an unnamed marketing executive, and regurgitated

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Chris Anderson: Unplugged

Lots of fallout from Chris Anderson’s (anti) publicity ploy earlier this week. Some of the more notable reactions: — The Guardian “Is Wired’s Chris Anderson Right to Out Lazy PR Spammers?” — From Brian Solis: “Dear Chris Anderson, an Open Letter to Make Things Right…” — And one inimitable PR veteran’s private (now public) exhortation:

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The Long Black List

Since the dot-com days, the PR profession has suffered (and rightfully earned) its share of slings and arrows at the hands of the beleaguered (by inane PR pitches) tech journalist. How many more rants can we endure from the editors and reporters for Ziff-Davis, IDG, CNET, Wired, The Industry Standard, Red Herring? The answer is:

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