
Target PRactice

When the blogosphere directed its full fury on the poor, unsuspecting Target corporate PR operative for her comment last week that Target doesn’t deal with bloggers, most social media-savvy marketing types were all too happy to jump on the bullseye-bashing bandwagon. Personally, I agreed that the ill-advised comment/policy was/is extremely short-sighted, if not counter-intuitive. New

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Three Martini Lunch

The media fam trip is nothing new. Hotels, airlines and state tourism boards commonly build free, first-class trips for certain reporters into their PR budgets. Hollywood publicists may give even the travel biz a run for its money. Most established news organizations, however, have strict rules that forbid employees to accept freebies. Not true for

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The Future of Journalism

No. I don’t have the chutzpah (I mean prescience) of a Jay Rosen or Jeff Jarvis to portend what that future holds. Nonetheless, Jeff’s observations posted yesterday (and captured in part on video by Rafat) from an OPA (a former client) event in London, coupled with Jay’s Surowiecki-esque approach to news reporting are worthy reads

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