Many marketers toiling in the new media and communications paradigm view a campaign’s virality as the holy grail measurement of success. The bar to achieve such digital and social nirvana, however, is higher than ever given the firehose of content gushing from myriad sources. Did you know that YouTubers upload 72 hours of video every minute…… Continue reading Shell-Shocking Creativity
Category: viral video
Your Weekend Viewing
iPad Head Girl Yes. The title is literal and the clip is set in the “Big (iPad Parent Co.)” whose inhabitants are rarely fazed by anything. via @carr2n The Dell RepairmanWho knew that Dell even had a vlog? Here’s a late night call to one abnormally accommodating corporate IT guy. Flying Macbook AirBut will it…… Continue reading Your Weekend Viewing
Friday’s Video Views
Trend SearchIf search is your thing, you’d be hard-pressed to find two more in-the-know folks than Danny Sullivan and Matt Cutts. Here’s a clip of the two of them talking trends in search. (Hey, where’s my pal Lee Odden?) HT @kevinokeefe via Search Engine Land. Dreams of BMWWe all know how great advertising creative can…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views
Who among us still doesn’t get that digital video rules when it comes to gaining pubic traction for a client’s product, service or POV? Be it HTML-5 or Flash, aren’t all the plugged-in PR/marketing trendsters touting the persuasive powers of moving images to get the job done? And who can keep track of the volume…… Continue reading PopScreen…please
Stupid Car Tricks
Over the weekend, astute PR observer Jennifer Van Grove took to Mashable (with a HT to the Chicago Tribune) to speculate on the authenticity of a video “fast approaching viral status.” Said video, shot on the streets of New York City, shows a wayward wrecking ball broadsiding a Dodge Minivan, flipping it on its side.…… Continue reading Stupid Car Tricks
Kobe Bryant: Jackass
Global Brand + Famous Athlete + Luxury Car + Photo Shop = 2.5 Million ViewsThe June 1980 issue of Esquire magazine had a famous cover showing a chimpanzee and a typewriter (remember those?) with the caption: “Is Anyone in America Not Writing a Screenplay?” Today, that headline could read: “Is Anyone in America Not Posting…… Continue reading Kobe Bryant: Jackass
Top Job Interview
It’s no secret that the 2008 presidential campaigns will fully embrace (and experiment with) many of the latest digital tools and strategies in disparate (and desperate) ways to engage the widening swath of online denizens old enough to vote. Over the next 18 months, we’ll see many of their new media maneuverings emerge — for…… Continue reading Top Job Interview