The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Lilly Pulitzer

Anyone who’s taken high school trig may remember the sine graph that shows a repeating wave measured on a horizontal axis. (Bear with me here.) Maybe that year, you also took physics and came across Newton’s third law of motion: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” In the PR world, and…… Continue reading The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Lilly Pulitzer

The 2015 PR Quiz (w/ answers)

How quickly things change in the PR business. In fact, how quickly things have changed in every business function — from marketing to sales to CRM to IT! Even with all this tumult, there remains one consistent imperative for managers: to attract and retain talent who’ve kept abreast of the changes in their respective professions.…… Continue reading The 2015 PR Quiz (w/ answers)

Digital Video Or Die

There is no shortage of pundits waxing on the subject of measurement in public relations. Back in the day, the number of media impressions served as the standard barometer for success. Today, savvy marketers talk about “engagement” metrics and the actions that can be attributed to that engagement, e.g., product purchase, stock movement, movie/concert attendance,…… Continue reading Digital Video Or Die

BP As Environmental Steward

Yesterday we celebrated marked Earth Day. President Obama gave a speech in The Everglades during which he chided FL. Gov. Rick Scott for banishing the term climate change from government employees’ lips. Separately, we were treated to the latest positive picture from a company still recovering from an oil spill that was the mother of…… Continue reading BP As Environmental Steward

My Segway Ride

The headline on Quartz pretty much summed it up: “The tortured and ludicrous history of Segway ends with its acquisition by a Chinese imitator” It didn’t have to end this way, or did it? For anyone toiling in the tech space before the dot-com bubble burst, one couldn’t have missed the story of IT, a…… Continue reading My Segway Ride

Rolling Stone’s “Festering PR Problem”

The writing on the wall was clear for months. Jann Wenner and his PR consiglieres had ample time to plan for the inevitable smackdown of his marquee publication’s journalistic practices (or lack thereof) around the UVa rape investigative story. To his credit, the Rolling Stone publisher retained an independent and credible body to examine what went wrong. The findings…… Continue reading Rolling Stone’s “Festering PR Problem”

A Decade of Content Marketing

I like telling stories, and on occasion even have something worthwhile to say given all the high profile assignments on which I’ve worked over the years. I rarely think about what motivates me to post online or which platform(s) my musings should reside. I blog mostly to help aspiring PR professionals ramp up faster and laypeople better understand what goes on…… Continue reading A Decade of Content Marketing

Cash Register Conversations

Well-intentioned, but awkward is how I would describe two current efforts to engage with customers when it’s not so clear those customers wish to be engaged with. I recently wrote about a McDonalds marketing promotion called “Pay With Lovin” wherein cashiers randomly profiled selected customers to act out an act of kindness in exchange for free…… Continue reading Cash Register Conversations

Russia Hacking The News

Anyone who follows the machinations of today’s news and social media ecosystems will no doubt recognize the danger to society when factually inaccurate stories catch fire and influence public opinion. We saw this following the Boston Marathon bombings and many other instances when legit, but impulsive journalists share unverified news with their social followers. The Online…… Continue reading Russia Hacking The News