
Quote Approval & Fallible Journalists

The executive editor of an influential technology news site recently replied to my email about a client’s breakthrough new technology. He tried it, had Web connectivity issues, and quickly declared: “Seriously, I’ve looked at several such services, and this is not special. In fact, it’s a generic Windows DaaS service. So, please, stop pitching it […]

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Newsweek Sale: Fame, Flame and Blame Game

The snark has surfaced with yesterday’s announcement that the Washington Post Co. has sold its once venerable newsweekly to the nonagenarian namesake of a once-venerable audio components company. Here are some of the Twips (Twitter quips) that crossed my Blackberry yesterday: @JeffJarvis Audio guy bought Newsweek? Maybe he’ll convert it to 8-Track. Cassette? Quadrophonic? Walkman?

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SXSWi ’08

No. I’m not attending the conference referenced in this post’s title. But a team from MB’s FishBowl NY is, and their reports seem to justify the expense of sending them. First, they salaciously recount the awkward on-stage interview between Sarah Lacy, a former Business Week reporter, and the dedicated, self-effacing (and too youthful–>) Mark Zuckerberg

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The Price of Admissions

How many TV commercials do we currently see promoting Nintendo’s runaway video game machine, the Wii? Not too many given the player’s impossible-to-find status. The machines are so newsworthily scarce, some have accused the Japanese manufacturer of manufacturing the shortage. I mean what better way to drive demand, than by creating it? Or, doesn’t one’s

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A Cacophony of Content

I’ve had MSNBC as my home page for five years, or more. It has served me well given the range of sources from which the news portal derives its 24/7 fare. One would expect to see a selection from NBC’s news programs, and its siblings CNBC, MSNBC-TV and the network’s local broadcast affiliates. Add to

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Second Life’s Two Minds

Sure, Second Life has garnered an inordinate amount of media attention since hitting the big time over the last year or so. But just like the Mittyesque avatars who frequent the joint, opinions about the now big-branded virtual world tend to be of two separate minds. Consider the rather skeptical view proffered from one mind

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Sex, War and Religion

In the previous post, we touched on a few of the tools in the modern PR practitioner’s toolbox. We didn’t, however, consider western “civilization’s” obsession with the more puerile elements of popular culture. (Think Donald Trump, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol.) Sure, some enterprises benefit by having a 24/7 response mechanism in place to counter

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