Friday’s Video Views

News Certified?Over the years, I’ve seen countless efforts to bridge the respective, yet often symbiotic needs of PR peeps and journalists. Journalists seek independent expertise during the reporting process, while PR people can be a reasonable source for such expertise. Rare is the platform that succeeds in pulling journalists to a site for this qualified…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

Shoe Circus

I suppose it was the news of Apple passing Google in market cap that prompted Newsweek to take a less-than flattering look at the perennially cool Cupertino company: “In fact, Apple has started looking like what Microsoft was 10 years ago—a company that so controls certain market segments that smaller competitors can survive only by…… Continue reading Shoe Circus

Reg FD for Junior Mints

Junior Mints, Drake’s Coffee Cake, jujubes, Bosco (!)… You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?Yesterday, the FCC agreed to re-evaluate how TV programmers inform their viewers of the paid product placements that surreptitiously appear in scripted fare.It’s one thing for Seinfeld to drop the names of his favorite cult snacks — without a pay-off…… Continue reading Reg FD for Junior Mints


Sauntering past the TV this morning, I caught Harry Smith and the CBS “Early Show” crew conducting an in-studio demo and debate over “double-dipping.”I knew right away what the term meant (being the true Seinfeld fan that I am). I also recognized the timeliness of the topic with the Super Bowl Game just three days…… Continue reading Double-Dipping

Bin Laden, Bush and Bees that Buzz

Could it be that Morgan “Super Size Me” Spurlock’s new movie may have surreptitiously captured Osama Bin Laden on camera? Just consider the marketing potential if it were true.Spurred by this tantalizing tidbit, the Buzz Brothers Weinstein snapped up the U.S. rights to distribute “Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden.” Good news for…… Continue reading Bin Laden, Bush and Bees that Buzz

The Buzz on Jessica

At first blush, it appeared that The New York Times was poised to pull an Alessandra Stanley/Katie Couric trashing of the former Jessica Sklar (aka Mrs. Jerry Seinfeld).Today’s piece opened with a list of allegations that included plagiarism, a soleful bribe of Oprah, and entrapment that resulted in Ms. Sklar landing TV’s most successful funny…… Continue reading The Buzz on Jessica


A quick Google search on the term “buzz marketing” yielded 1.1 million results. I bet few actually have the ingredients to the elusive elixir for generating actual buzz for one’s product or service.Opening a copy of today’s New York Post, there it was: the formula for generating buzz. It came in the form of A-list…… Continue reading Buzz-Cut