Mining Influence Without Twitter & Facebook

In his PR Squared blog post “When Clients Want Coverage in Your Blog: Social Media Ethical Dilemmas,” my buddy Todd Defren frames the debate with the following two questions: Should clients be allowed to leverage the agency’s (or its staffers’) brand to promote their own? Should the agency principal ask a well-known staff blogger to…… Continue reading Mining Influence Without Twitter & Facebook

Facebooking the Flock

As few as three or four years ago, the tech cognascenti would have led with today’s news that the leader of the Roman Catholic Church is urging priests to blog and embrace digital media. But in today’s Twitter time, that was eons ago. Some social media evangelists may still run with this story, just as…… Continue reading Facebooking the Flock

The Tweeky Wheel Gets Oiled

I recently noticed Craig Newmark, yes that Craig, give a Tweet-out to @comcastcares (aka Frank Eliason) over some issue he was having with his cable service.I thought at the time how Craig, the mensch that he is, would have little problem soliciting Comcast’s attention. What consumer-facing company in its right mind today would dare to…… Continue reading The Tweeky Wheel Gets Oiled

Socially Engaged

A few years back, my long-time friend, collaborator and sometimes client Rob Key of award-winning social media consultancy Converseon outlined how companies ideally should endeavor to engage the social graph.He called the process “cultural anthropology,” and by so doing, recognized that each social channel or community had distinct customs and a language of its own.…… Continue reading Socially Engaged

Twenty-Ten Soothsaying

OK I couldn’t resist jumping on the new year’s list-making bandwagon.Along with Brian Solis’s 2009 retrospective of the most influential Twitter conversations (via Klout), Robert Scoble’s top ten tech Twitterers, Scott Monty’s social media takes, Martin Langeveld’s compilation of media forecasts, and John Cass’s round-up of PR (I mean “engagement marketing”) predictions, among myriad others,…… Continue reading Twenty-Ten Soothsaying


I hate it when friends quibble, and it’s worse when it happens in front of a public on whom each relies for professional sustenance. Today’s case in point: PR Newser’s Joe Ciarallo cited Melanie Notkin (@savvyauntie) as an example of the confusion created by the FTC’s newly enacted social media guidelines (to disclose paid sponsors).Mr.…… Continue reading Disclosure

Do Gen Y’ers Hold the Keys to Social Media?

I promise. This is my last report for a while from the field of social media dreams. Today, I had the pleasure of participating in PR Camp New York. The use of the word “camp” in a social media context probably has its origins from the pod(casting) camps made popular when podcasting had what was…… Continue reading Do Gen Y’ers Hold the Keys to Social Media?

The Reading Room

We were gathered at our bi-monthly Boys’ Lunch at Michael’s last month when one of “the boys,” a very senior media-minded communications executive, looked at me incredulously when I said I actually read Bernoff’s Groundswell, Jarvis’s What Would Google Do, and Godin’s Tribes, among others.He definitely thought I was either drunk on the Kool-Aid or…… Continue reading The Reading Room

Growing PR Spheres

Silicon Valley Watcher’s Tom Foremski has made a sport out of scrutinizing the PR profession these last few years (often with good reason). Yesterday, he raised a provocative question from which one might infer more disrespect for our perennially beleaguered profession: What are the implications when PR pros, who’ve built large online followings, use their…… Continue reading Growing PR Spheres

Facebook Finds Its PR Mojo

Tech Crunch’s Michael Arrington has tweaked a few noses as proprietor of perhaps the most influential tech blog in a milieu overrun with tech influencers. We all remember the brouhaha he created by publishing the business-sensitive internal emails provided to him by some randoid who hacked into Twitter’s email.And then there was his spirited defense…… Continue reading Facebook Finds Its PR Mojo