BP former chief Tony Hayward Photo | Justin ThomasPlaying Monday morning quarterback for the crisis du jour has long been a favorite pastime of PR pros and media types everywhere. I mean who didn’t have an opinion about how BP behaved in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill?And did Tiger Woods, faced with a…… Continue reading Crisis Quarterbacks
Category: BP
Twitter and TED’s Ten Million X Prize
For those who follow this space, you will have noticed more than its share of posts about the trials and tribulations of a certain British oil company.The significance of this story first struck me on April 27, a week after the explosion of Deepwater Horizon. I wrote: “Today I’m keeping an eye on a developing…… Continue reading Twitter and TED’s Ten Million X Prize
Friday’s Video Views
This week’s edition has David Kirkpatrick on his Facebook Effect and Techonomy, the iPad’s latest accessory, a New York Congressman’s opinion of BP’s spokespersons, Scoble’s next big thing in location-based companies, and Stephen Colbert’s PR-Mageddon.Zuckerberg: Grow First, Monetize LaterThe Business Insider’s Nich Carlson was one of the many interviews that Facebook Effect author and Techonomy…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views
A Pool Approach to Coverage
“Should the volatility of a company’s stock price determine how public information on an environmental disaster be delivered to the public?”This is the crux of the issue that “The Media Equation’s” David Carr raises in his always must-read column today “A Disaster, Privately Managed.” In essence, the command-and-control approach taken by BP and its PR…… Continue reading A Pool Approach to Coverage
BP’s New Campaign: Just Hot Air?
For PR pundits everywhere, especially those with outlets to spread their musings, BP is the gift that keeps on giving. This blogger has written three posts on the beleaguered company thus far, and with every new day, a potentially bloggable wrinkle emerges around company’s efforts to manage this most unnatural disaster, and its own reputation.I…… Continue reading BP’s New Campaign: Just Hot Air?
A Tale of Two BPs
Three weeks ago today, I penned a post on how to recognize a crisis…before it mushrooms into a full blown corporate meltdown. The news hook for the post involved a seemingly isolated explosion on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers, but had yet to assume the catastrophic environmental and…… Continue reading A Tale of Two BPs
Crisis Du Jour
How does one know if a negative story will turn into a full-blown crisis? What factors need to crystallize to transform a short-lived media blip into an extended period of pain for the crisis owner?And what steps can be taken to shorten the media legs or extinguish the media spotlight altogether? (Now there’s a million…… Continue reading Crisis Du Jour
Out and Out
I don’t mind the Wall Street Journal and New York Times’ news alerts periodically popping on my desktop (as long as their purveyors don’t get too trigger happy). So far, both have been judicious in what they’ve chosen to send.Take the two WSJ Alerts that moved moments ago, separated by a mere three minutes. The…… Continue reading Out and Out